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Articles with the living places tag

clarity is cold comfort

It's just incredible to me that the temperature has fallen to near freezing tonight, and possibly will drop below that. Don't get me wrong, even though I'm from the mildness of coastal California (the Bay Area, mainly), I've spent the last three winters on the east coast (not the Canadian one). Those winters, at their coldest, were much colder than just about any time I've been here except a brief clear cold period in early December - a clear cold that I welcomed, in fact. Though I must admit I was happy to drive through it and out of it and on down to California for the winter break.

No, what's incredible to me is that I'm leaving for the summer, and when I do, the weather will have been more or less the same, on aggregate, from mid-October to late April. And by the same, I mean cold and overcast, cold and drizzly, cold and rainy, cold-but-not-as-cold and rainy, or even colder and clear. And this is the warm part of this country.