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art dealing

If you're having trouble following the debate over whether FDR and the New Deal helped alleviate the Depression or went back in time and caused it merely prolonged it, two images hanging side by side at the Smithsonian American Art Musuem provide helpful illustrations of the anti-FDR argument.

The Depression with FDR:

Dust Bowl (1933). Alexandre Hogue, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC.Dust Bowl. Painting by Alexandre Hogue showing a broken fence on a dusty plain under sunlight filtered through an apparent dust storm.

What would have happened sooner without the New Deal:

Ajax (1936). John Stewart Curry. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC.Ajax. Painting by John Stewart Curry showing fat cattle feeding on green fields

On a more serious note, there were signs up at the museum indicating that they are in the process of putting together a new exhibit to open on February 27. Subject? "1934: A New Deal for Artists." Should be interesting.

Update: I can't believe I missed the Obama Lincoln portrait cupcakes. I got there a little after 5; no wonder it was so busy. I guess there were still cupcakes left when I was there, but I didn't know to look for them. Oh well.