I'm disappointed that there's no front page photo today.
- Taft is in Hot Springs taking a rest from the campaign. So far he has played a round of golf, answered some correspondence, and denied a false rumor "to the effect that he had said, at some time and place unidentified, that 'a dollar a day is enough for a workingman.'"
- Democratic National Committee Chairman Norman Mack is headed to Wall St. to ask Democrats to support the campaign, "using the argument that all good Democrats ought to get together now that Hearst is running a third ticket." I think that's a reference to this party, which was founded by Hearst a couple of years earlier, and which nominated two other people for the presidency in 1908. Presumably many in the party had, like Hearst himself, formerly supported - or run as - Democrats.
- A New Jersey Central train collided with a horse and carriage, leaving one dead and two seriously injured.
A woman was killed and seven others, including her infant son, were seriously injured when they jumped from a streetcar on the Graham Avenue line in Brooklyn. Sadly, they may have been safer had they stayed on the car:
A blow-out in the motor box fuse sent up a sheet of flame, and the passengers, most of them Italians, jumped from the fast moving car in fright. A number of passengers who kept their seats were uninjured, and the car was scarcely damaged.
Some details of a deal between E. H. Harriman and the Gould railroads have been leaked.
- In what looks like a complicated financial story, some New York banks look ready to sell control of the Provident Savings Life Assurance Society to the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Company of Kentucky. Colorado officials and policy holders are somehow involved.