I wasn't expecting when I started this blog to spend a lot of time writing about journalism, but then I never really thought of giving this blog any particular topic. Anyway, there's actually one more Howells post coming - I still need to track down the passages for it - and I'm sure I'll keep writing about media stuff, probably for the most part in a historiclish way: there's a couple of books on the Washington Press Corps I've been meaning to read, more I want to say about Lincoln Steffens, another book I have lying around on newspapers during Reconstruction, etc.
Meanwhile, in the contemporary world, if you're a fan of McClatchy's reporting - if not, you really should be - things like this probably worry you. For more, see this post and its follow-ups on a McClatchy editorial blog (via Andrew, who notes: "If you want to know how angry and confused newspaper folk are about what’s happening to them, read the comments" to that post).