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a MOOC disclaimer

From my "Statement of Accomplishment" - not a certificate - for the Coursera course in Human-Computer Interaction, taught by Scott Klemmer of Stanford:

Please note: This online offering of Human-Computer Interaction does not reflect the entire curriculum offered to students enrolled at Stanford University. This document does not affirm that you were enrolled as a Stanford student in any way; it does not confer a Stanford grade; it does not confer Stanford credit; it does not confer a Stanford degree or a certificate; and it does not verify the identity of the individual who took the course.

The statement seems reasonable given that I took the quiz track, which meant that the only work I "showed" were the answers to 19 multiple choice quiz questions. I'm actually a bit surprised I did well enough to reach the "accomplishment" threshold: there was a substantial penalty for quizzes submitted after the due dates and I started a few weeks late. My original intention was just to audit, and I did watch all of the lectures. I took the quizzes just because they were there. I can't say I'm a fan of multiple-choice - especially the "choose the 'best' answer" style of multiple choice - but what I got out of the lectures outweighed my dislike of the quiz format.

All in all, I thought it was a good course, even if the way I approached it made it more like a videobook than an actual class. There was another track where you built and tested your own designs and reviewed others' projects, but I was too late to participate in that. If anyone reading this is interested in taking the course when it's offered again, I recommend trying that track out if you have the time.