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Articles in the open data category

some readings on open data

I've been thinking about open data a lot this summer. Partly this is because I have a longstanding interest in transparency and government information, so I'm kind of always thinking about that sort of thing, but also because I've been following the wide-ranging conversation on open data that Tom Slee started back in May with a couple of blog posts: "Why the "Open Data Movement" is a Joke" and a lengthier follow-up, "Open Data Movement Redux: Tribes and Contradictions." As you can probably guess from the titles, these posts were provocative - mostly in a good way, I thought - and generated a lot of discussion within the open data community.

Now, I should say up front that I'm going to leave my thoughts on the issues that Slee and others raised for a later post. This post is just a place for me to gather together links to what I've read recently on open data that I think others might be interested in. I started out intending to write just one post but the list of links to background readings got so unwieldy that I figured it would be better if I separated it out. The list is in a loose sort of chronological order, starting with Slee's first two posts and some of the works he cites, then continuing on from there.

Disclaimer: I haven't read everything Slee cited or every response to his posts. I'm sure I've left out some good stuff. Suggestions are welcome.

Starting the conversation

Tom Slee. "Why the "Open Data Movement" is a Joke", Whimsley (1 May 2012)

____. "Open Data Movement Redux: Tribes and Contradictions", Whimsley (8 May 2012)

Additional background (a.k.a "footnotes I followed from Slee's posts")

Jo Bates. "'This is what modern deregulation looks like' : co-optation and contestation in the shaping of the UK’s Open Government Data Initiative." The Journal of Community Informatics (April 2012)

Michael Gurstein. "Open Data: Empowering the Empowered or Effective Data Use for Everyone?", Gurstein's Community Informatics, Volume 8 Number 2 (2 September 2010)

____. "Open Data (2): Effective Data Use", Gurstein's Community Informatics (9 September 2010)

[Gurstein later revised these posts into: "Open data: Empowering the empowered or effective data use for everyone?", First Monday, Volume 16 Number 2 (23 January 2011)]

Harlan Yu and David G. Robinson. "The New Ambiguity of 'Open Government'", SSRN (28 February 2012)

Early responses

In addition to the comments on Slee's two posts, I found the following posts particularly worth reading. Both were written in response to Slee's first post.

David Eaves. "Open Data Movement a Joke?", eaves.ca (2 May 2012)

Tom Lee. "Defending the Big Tent: Open Data, Inclusivity and Activism", Sunlight Foundation Blog (2 May 2012)

Crooked Timber forum on open data

Following this first round of discussion, the conversation then shifted over to Crooked Timber, which ran a seminar on open data in late June/early July. Since Henry Farrell has already put together a page with links to all nine contributions, I'll just link to that page instead of writing out every link. Slee wrote the lead post and the other contributors were Victoria Stodden, Steven Berlin Johnson, Matthew Yglesias, Clay Shirky, Aaron Swartz, Henry Farrell, Beth Noveck, and Tom Lee.

In addition to the seminar posts, I also recommend:

David Eaves. "Unstructured Thinking on Open Data: A response to Tom Slee", eaves.ca (28 June 2012)

John Wonderlich. "Open Data Creates Accountability", Sunlight Foundation Blog (6 July 2012)

As I said above, this list is not comprehensive; it's just the subset of the larger conversation that I've happened to have read so far. But I think it's a decent place to get started.